今後このブログでも、いろんなエアラインの面接体験レポートを共有していけたらと思います。(私のも含め。ふふふ。。笑) で、今回が映えある第一弾です!笑
情報提供者は、とあるローカルクルーで、2018年12月に、シンガポールでSQちゃんのWalk Inインタビューを受けた時の面接レポートです。元スクートのクルーでした。
別に私が日本語に翻訳してもいいのですが。まだ他にも書きたい記事とか構想はいっぱいありますので、今はそっちに時間かけたいかな?笑 気が向けば追記で翻訳します。。。
Round 1:Self Introduction and One question (一次面接)
Q: Please introduce us about yourself.
I am ◉◉ bura bura. I have experience in cooking. I have a bit of flying experience.
Q: Really? Which airline? How long?
Scoot, about 6 month.
Q: Where is your favorite destination?
I like India as I think their culture is very rich and interesting. In Scoot, I always try to swap in Indian flights burah burah…
Q: So what did you learn from your experience?
For Scoot, we fly to many small cities and passengers are not that well educated or high profiled. So we need to teach them and educate them even why we need to fasten the seatbelts and so on… This is what I have learnt from this experience.
(*I just add at the last, “a bit of flying experience”, and I did not say scoot straight away, as I wanted to interviewer have interests in me. And when I said the last answer, the interviewer looked a bit shocked that they did not expect this answer. So I think they got interested in me and chose me for the next round. I think this round, how to make the recruiters interests in you is quite important. If they do so, you can go to the next round….and I think I succeeded in this.)
Round 2: Group Discussion 二次面接
Q: Pair work with your partner. Chat a few minutes and introduce the other partner to everyone including the recruiters.
Q: Debates between 6 people. Discuss about the given statement between the three members. The half will be affirmative, but the latter half will be negative. You cannot chose which side you want to support, the recruiter will assign you. The topic was
“Children should stay in parents house and take care of them after they married. Yes or No.”
Then you present your opinions in front of everyone. Everyone needs to speak something.
(*For this round, do not talk too much, but do not be quiet too much. The balance is very important. Not only SQ, also QR, and EK this is important as this is a part of their recruitment process as well. But try to say, I agree with you, or I understand your opinions, something like you praise others opinions, while you add or say your opinions time to time. As in SQ, they don’t like too aggressive people as they have a relatively strong seniority compared to other airlines…They like very gentle, modest, and submissive people with elegance that suits their company culture…)
Round 3 (Final Interview): 三次・最終面接 45分
Q: (Look at Resume). OK, Talk about Scoot culture.
Scoot culture is very relaxing and fun. People are very friendly. I like scoot culture. (I said something like that)
Q: In case you join SQ, you cannot wear your “Polo T” any more, and need to wear our Suits like Uniform. And the work is very discipline, and required tip toe performance. Are you ok with it?
Yes madam, I understand where you come from. Yes our uniform might look like Polo-T shirt for you, as SQ have more like suits based and smart, rigid uniform. However, this is still my uniform, and I took care of my uniform well, like washing and ironing before every flight. As a cabin crew, uniform represents the company, and as a service provider, I am proud of being Scoot cabin crew. And Of course, I would love to wear SQ uniform as well, and work with the environments that requires the better performance.
Q: Please talk about your roster? I heard it is quite bad.
Yes Madam, of course, compared with SQ, our roster might not be very good as SQ have more layovers with nicer destinations. However, I am happy with scoot roster as well, as I can still get to explore different destinations that I have never been to. Yes we get more turn around fights now, but getting turn around flights means, you can go home! And can wash your clothes, and meet your friends in Singapore! And for layovers, I can enjoy sightseeing, and eat new cuisines. So I would say, Scoot roster have good mixtures of this, and actually I think it is quite fun.
Q: Please talk about the salary? I heard it is very bad also.
Well, madam, actually, money can be never enough for everyone, right? Of course, compared with SQ, our salary is not as good as them, but at the same time, I also believe money is how hard you work for it. So I totally understand Scoot gets lesser payments as our work load is lesser. However, I also think I would like to get more salary for better life, so that’s why I am here for the better opportunities!
Q: Why SQ?
Because I used to work in 5 star hotels. Also I am now working in Scoot and have a bit of flying experience. So I thought if I combine this 2 elements, I will be a crew in 5 star airlines! That’s why I apply your company.
Q: I know ●◉(management level person in Scoot, but belongs to SQ department). If I ask him about you, how would he say about you?
As I performed singing performance at B and B (like ballroom events for scoot employees), he would tell you about this.
Q: No I am not asking for it. I mean about your performance or personality.
OK sure, for this year since I joined, I got 12 compliments letter for my passengers about my services. They liked my service, and gave me a happy feedbacks. So I think he would say something about this.
Q: What is the most memorable memories among those events? Tell us.
There was a time I did ●● Flight. And through the interactions with the passengers, I noticed a boy traveling with his family has アトピー的な感じで水ぶくれ的なブツブツのが肌にあった?みたいなことを言っていた。Then I was the first one to discovered it, and soon I share this information with the CL (ranking crew/supervisor) and other members, and monitor the passengers with care and interactions. Then the family was very surprised and appreciated our services, because they did not expect we would care about the boy this much. So this was the one of the memorable experience that I got good feedback from Pax.
(*I feel like SQ interviewers can be very mean, but try to see how I react to them. Whatever rude things about scoot they say, do not argue with them, and agree with them at one point. Because the attitude you show this time, means the attitude you show to your seniors and passengers. Try to say positive things about Scoot, and also complements for SQ.)
Skin Check & Kebaya Round (ケバヤチェック)
Skin Check for both sex. Kebaya fitting is only for girls. They want to see the curves. Then I got KIV.
(Keep in Voice, meaning a conditional offers. They ask you to improve something like English or lose weights, skin conditions, and asked you to come back for the next interviews. If the problem is solved, they will give you the offer)
I was asked to lose weight until the next assessment. Then I come back to the assessment on December, then got the official offer.
So far, I felt like the whole process was quite easy. There was nothing difficult for me. But at the same time, I felt like the interviewer try not to take scoot crews as the company culture is too different. Once you said you are from Scoot, they really try to look at you at details if you really can adapt SQ culture, and potential SQ materials. Scoot crews who got in SQ, I found they are generally quite mature as in both mentality, and the real age. Like 26 to 28 years old. So don’t lose hopes!
Also, SQ people (interviewers) can really look down on scoot, and show this to the attitude and questions, but never mind, scoot have a lot of good things that SQ might not have! For this 1 year and 2 month, I enjoy scoot actually. It has been a nice experience for me. If you do not appreciate what you have, then what else can you appreciate! You would think the same even if you join SQ or got in better environment. In my opinion, in general, to be honest, scoot is not that bad…
Actually, it is a personal choice if you work for scoot, or SQ. Working for scoot with easy environment, and get so so money, or join SQ and work very hard and get better salary, and destinations. As I like customer services, for me I am kind of excited to learn better services, there are many things to learn in SQ. At the same time, a bit worried about the company cultures, but never mind. No company is perfect! I wish you all the best for upcoming interviews.

制服のことポロシャツって、え?笑 ロースターとお給料めちゃ悪いよね?ってえ?笑。もう失笑しかない笑 事実だが失礼すぎ笑
SQちゃんは、日本の面接では最終面接は日本人のSupervisor1人とシンガポール人1人で5分から10分程度、Chit Chat的な感じらしいです。
空港でいっぱいみましたが、見下されるのは、わかる。笑 会社もクルーにお金かけてない&”シンガポール比で”比較的見た目がいい人材がSQに流れているの一目瞭然w

SQの場合は、自分たちがそこまでいいサービスをしているわけではない割には、見下し方がちょっとToo muchな印象を受けます(シンガポール人クルー)。
なんてその場で切り返せるの、神がかっている!笑 私が面接官なら、間違いなく「ほほー!こいつやりおるな!」ってなります。笑